2010年12月21日 星期二



一人去工作+下班回家+偶尔和朋友喝茶+偶尔弄些琐事后就睡觉.. (很无趣)
无论如何.. 明年的我会过得比现在好" 一直这样沉闷.. 我会傻了..

今天fb都在讨论冬至"好一个汤圆节.. 我却没能回去..

需要一些温暖.. 但我只能期盼..
需要一个拥抱.. 但我只能凭空想象..
累得无奈.. 无力.. 无能.. 习惯现在的这一切..

明年一定要抽空回去.. 家人永远是最亲的..


2010年12月9日 星期四

The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci

I might be mad if I repeatedly focus in the same subject.

Perhaps i can build a Memory Palace in my mind..

Every single room has their own characteristic, each of them has different illustration.

Therefore, I can put or imagine all the important notes that I want to remember into each room.  Whenever I need them or use them, I can carry out easily.

Perhaps I could manage it..

ps: Burning Midnite oil

2010年12月8日 星期三

Love is blind and is always accompanied by Madness

Love is like a mountain hard to climb, but once you get to the top the view is BEAUTIFUL..
2 years and 7 months, I used to the Love we belong together. And I want to be the only hand, you ever need to hold.

2010年12月1日 星期三


Finally is the time to fight with all the DEVIL..

there will be only 1 winner allow..

I must be stronger to kick them out off my life.

I already spend 4 months to learn all the strategies of the war"
At this moment, I just realize there must be something more.

My bodied feeling paralyzed but I know what I'm fighting for.

They got my full attention and I can't even keep them off my mind.

I can feel my stress and my heart beating stronger..